We sold it for$ 30 million, and ididn'tkeep the money. 我以3000万美元出售了这家公司,我没有把这些钱据为己有。
At one point, Sinoway tells Stevenson about a friend of his, a successful entrepreneur who had sold his company for a large sum of money. 有一次,辛诺威和史蒂文森谈起了一位成功的企业家朋友,这位朋友已经卖掉了自己的公司,拿到了一大笔钱。
They sold lollipops, wrote letters to the community asking for donations and collected their own money. 他们去卖棒棒糖,写信给社区寻求捐助,还捐出了自己的积蓄。
Things that were simply too large for a small team of people to do in their spare time, and therefore could not be created unless they were being sold for money with significant licensing fees. 如果东西对于小团队的人们来说太大了而无法在其业余时间完成,因此如果没有卖出很好的许可费用就无法创建这些东西。
Your mama's so dumb she sold the car for gas money. 你妈太蠢了,她把汽车卖掉来拿到买汽油的钱。
Though often sold through state banks, which collect fees for acting as intermediaries, there is no guarantee that investors will get their money back if the third-party issuer has financial difficulties. 尽管往往通过国有银行发售(银行充当中介并据此收取费用),但如果第三方发行人遇到财务困难,投资者并无收回本金的保障。
He sold out his artistic standards and now writes for money. 他背叛了自己的艺术标准,现在只为钱而写作。
Today these paintings are sold for large sums of money. 今天这些画卖价甚高。
They were sold by families desperate for money to buy food. 它们是由极需要钱来购买食品的家庭出售的。
If a company is bought with 100m of equity and sold for 200m, investors double their money. 如果以1亿英镑股本收购一家公司,然后以2亿英镑售出,投资者的资金就会增加一倍。
He put bridles on them and led them to the market where they were sold for money. 他把它们套上马勒,牵到市集去卖。
In some places, only the structures which can not be taken away remain there, all those things which can be taken away have been stolen and sold for money. 有些地方甚至只剩下了不能被拆走的建筑结构,而能被拆走早已经被偷走,卖掉换成了钱。
So you sold titles for money? 于是你就靠卖官来发财?
She sold the house for quite a lot of money. 她卖掉那栋房子得了不少钱。
But virtual items can be sold easily for real money, making it a lucrative opportunity for criminals. 虚拟物品可以交易转换成真正的货币,这也罪犯们赚钱的机会。
For thus saith the LORD, Ye have sold yourselves for nought; and ye shall be redeemed without money. 耶和华如此说:「们是无价被卖的,也必无银被赎。
Today these paintings are admired as masterpieces, and are sold for large sums of money. 今天这些画被赞为杰作,卖价甚高。
He sold his house for lack of money. 他因缺钱而把房子卖了。
Ruan Ming sold ideas for money, Xiangzi accepted ideas for money. 阮明为钱,出卖思想;祥子为钱,接受思想。
The poor painter sold his paintings for a paltry sum of money. 那位穷画家以微不足迫的数目卖了他的画。
I kind of regretted that I only sold two yuan for each, because if I had sold at a higher price, I could donate more money for the earthquake-stricken area. 我有点后悔自己每个手机套只卖两元钱,因为如果每个都多卖一点,就可以给灾区多捐一点了。
About 30% of female IDUs sold sex for money or drugs in the last 30 days before receiving detoxification treatment, and 29.2% of male IDUs reported paid sex. 30%的女性有过以性换钱和换毒品行为,29.2%的男性有花钱买性服务。